For many WordPress users, migrating an existing WordPress website to a new provider can be a confusing and challenging process. WordPress makes up nearly 35% of the internet today and more people are looking to migrate their websites over to the platform because of its open-source marketplace for design and functionality assistance. While there are several free plugins and paid services that can provide customers with the migration process, it can be hard for customers to determine what are secure and trusted services that can meet their needs. This leaves customers with the option to stay with a website provider they aren’t happy with or attempt to migrate their website on their own which can be difficult if you have little to no experience.
What is the WordPress Migration Plugin?
Bluehost is here to make the migration process easier for all WordPress users with our new migration plugin. The WordPress Migration plugin is free for any WordPress user and can be downloaded directly to a customer’s Bluehost cPanel or WordPress admin dashboard at no cost. The migration plugin is a simple solution to help WordPress users with a seamless migration experience without the need for paid or professional assistance. This free service features the installation of a free plugin, WordPress scan, built-in automation, and more!
How Does it Work?
After the plugin is installed on an existing user’s WordPress website it will scan the site and inform the user of the viability of their migration. If a website is found compatible the files will be uploaded to a secure location while the customer completes their Bluehost account. Once a Bluehost account has been created the customer can upload the website files and update their domain name server (DNS) through the Bluehost dashboard. Bluehost will also be on hand to provide free professional assistance if there are any troubleshooting issues during the migration process.
Are you ready to begin migrating your WordPress websites? Head over to the Bluehost cPanel or WordPress admin dashboard and install the migration plugin.